The Securities Services Advisory Group

Written by

Rupert Booth

Published on

MYRIAD Group Technologies Ltd The Securities Services Advisory Group

MYRIAD Group Technologies Ltd - Revolutionise your Third‑Party Management

MGTL is delighted to become a member of TSSAG and looks forward to working with all other members to share expertise, encourage best practice and foster collaboration throughout the industry.


Full release:

TSSAG announces MYRIAD Group Technologies as new Affiliate Member
The Securities Services Advisory Group (TSSAG) is pleased to announce its newest Affiliate Member –
MYRIAD Group Technologies Limited (MGTL).

Mark Kerns, Chairman of TSSAG commented, “We are delighted to welcome MYRIAD as an Affiliate
Member of TSSAG. Myriad have an established track record of providing web-based solutions that
support the critical areas of Network Management, Vendor Governance, Due Diligence, Client
Onboarding and Lifecycle Management. Affiliate Membership of TSSAG offers access to our core
membership thereby creating awareness of service offerings that are relevant to TSSAG’s collective
client base. We also look forward to Myriad’s attendance at relevant forums and contributions to
thought leadership initiatives”

Adam Vine, Head, Client Operations, said “, “becoming an Affiliate Member of TSSAG, affords MGTL a
platform that will, in equal parts, complement our competitive advantage and, from participation in
working groups and networking forums, form the basis of our contribution toward advances in software
that better support our industry”

He went on to say “MYRIAD Group Technologies Limited (MGTL) was founded in August 2004. The
Company bought its predecessor, Venus Internet Limited (founded in 1995), and with it the intellectual
property rights to MYRIAD. The original Client MYRIAD project started in 2000, so we now have over a
20-year track record. The Company has grown organically since inception, is self-funded and despite
being on a growth path, conservatively managed. Our premises are in the City of London, an ideal location
for our target market, and we also have a permanent presence in Boston, Hong Kong, and
Melbourne. MGTL is a privately held company.

For further comment please contact:
Adam Vine –, tel: +852 9278 7668
Paul Chapman (Secretary, TSSAG) –, tel: +44 (0) 775 374 8397
Notes: TSSAG, set up in August 2020, is now represented in Brazil,