Have you been affected by the increasing burden of Due Diligence?
In response, MYRIAD Group Technologies Limited is proud to announce the launch of its newest product – CODUDE – on 30th January 2017.
CODUDE encapsulates the phrase ‘Collaborative Due Diligence’, bringing together different stakeholders in one platform to deal with your Due Diligence needs. CODUDE is a ‘utility’ for the bilateral exchange of information in a secure and fully-auditable solution. Focused on the industry’s desire to standardise Due Diligence Questionnaires, CODUDE offers you the opportunity to complete the AFME DDQ electronically in a manageable pre-loaded format.
Your registration is available on request to open up secure, permission-based access during the trial period.
CODUDE’s Key Benefits:
A secure, bilateral request and response process between two participants
No third party inspection: data is visible only to the ‘Requester’ and ‘Responder’
Minimises workload – input your Response one time
Audit trail for the whole Request and Response process
Add your own proprietary questions and questionnaires in CODUDE (eta Q2 2017)
Export of files to pdf for internal distribution
Delta Management Functionality for Questionnaires and Responses (eta Q4 2017)
Archive and store Responses indefinitely
Messaging and E-mail functionality within CODUDE
Contribute your requirements to the 2017 CODUDE Product Roadmap
With an immediate, free opportunity to get involved, using AFME in extended trials in December 2016 and January 2017, you will have a hand in guiding our direction of travel.
If you would you like a trial, please contact:
Rupert Booth
t. +44 (0) 20 3470 0326
e. rupert.booth@myriadgt